Sitting Up

Ryder has accomplished a big mile-stone this past week.  He has mastered the art of sitting-up.  Who would have ever guessed that me and his dad would be so excited about this;  But we are!  Every time we sit him down, we get the biggest grins on our faces and clap and make a big deal, and Ryder just looks at us and smiles and then after a few minutes, he falls over!

I am particularly excited about this big accomplishment because it means when we grocery shop together, I no longer have to sit the car seat in the part of the buggy where you usually see kids sitting and struggle to see over him and not bang into other people!  Now he can sit there like a big boy!  So, of course today, I went online and ordered him one of those seat covers that you put over grocery carts and high chairs at restaurants. I’m pretty stoked about the whole thing : )  He is getting big so fast.  I’m trying hard not blink because I’m worried I’m going to miss something else!

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3 Responses to Sitting Up

  1. Lance says:

    want me to take him with me and Tay this month when we go get her learner’s permit. Sounds like he;s ready.

    way to go RY

  2. Aunt Rach says:

    Yay for Ryder!! Is he in a bowl on the kitchen table 😉

  3. Deana says:

    I cant believe how big he is getting. I love the pic you posted! Hes growing to fast.

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